National PTA Advocacy Insider newsletter


LAUSD Board of Education // Board Meeting Agendas:


Jackie Goldberg // School Board Representative - District 5


CAPTA's Advocacy Agenda for Equity 2021: Agenda 2021


On Sept. 29, 2021, MWPTA joined forces with and signed a letter urging Governor Newsom to sign EnRICH CA into law.


California children of color are more likely to suffer and die from preventable or manageable chronic illnesses than their white peers. The End Racial Inequities in Children’s Health Initiative, or EnRICH CA (SB 682 (Rubio)), will require the California Health and Human Services Agency to develop a plan to reduce racial disparities in five childhood chronic diseases by 2030.

If this bill becomes law, we can improve health outcomes for all kids in California, and ultimately, help create a generation of healthier adults from the start.


Read the letter sent to Governor Newson in support of SB 682 (Rubio) here:






Dear Students, Families and Employees, 

We want to hear from you! Join us in the District’s search for a Superintendent to lead our school district. The next superintendent must reflect the priorities of the entire LA Unified community. That’s why we’re reaching out to everyone: students, school staff, teachers, administrators, parents and families, and other community members to make sure everyone has a chance to share their thoughts.

You are invited you to complete a brief, anonymous online survey to provide your input on what our District needs in our Superintendent. Click here to complete the survey. The survey will be available until October 1st.

For more information about our entire engagement process and the overall timeline for the search, visit

We look forward to hearing from you! 

Board President Kelly Gonez



April 22, 2021



MWPTA's advocacy and engagement goals:

• Adjust our practices and efforts to reach our whole school community “virtually”. (i.e. Upgraded website, eHowl)

• Create as many safe, fun and inclusive events as possible for our kids and families so everyone feels connected and supported.

• Advocate for and support members of our school community who are most in need.

• Examine, identify and work to eliminate any implicit bias, racism and inequities that may exist within our own organization.

• Support anti-bias/anti-racism education & initiatives within our community and beyond.

• Engage the school, teachers and students to help further support Social-Emotional health.




MWPTA is committed to CAPTA's stance on racial justice and education equity.


California State PTA denounces racial injustice, violence, and the recurring brutal mistreatment of African Americans in our nation. We stand in solidarity with the friends and family of George Floyd in demanding change.

As parents and caregivers, we do everything in our power to protect our children from harm, but the reality of continuing discrimination and injustice makes that impossible for many of our children and families of color. This cannot continue.

California State PTA joins our community, education, and equity partners in seeking concrete actions to address the pattern of institutional discrimination and violence against black people. We commit to examine our own practices and structures to work towards eliminating implicit bias, racism and inequities. We call on our thousands of local PTAs throughout California to bring to life the principles of inclusion, equity, and diversity. PTA strives to create communities that provide safety, opportunity, and a nurturing environment for all children and families.


La PTA de California denuncia la injusticia racial, la violencia y el maltrato recurrente y brutal de los afroamericanos en nuestra nación. Nos solidarizamos con los amigos y familiares de George Floyd para exigir un cambio.

Como padres y cuidadores, hacemos todo lo que está a nuestro alcance para proteger a nuestros hijos de daños, pero la realidad de la continua discriminación e injusticia hace que sea imposible para muchos de nuestros hijos y familias de color. Esto no puede continuar.

La PTA de California se une a nuestros socios comunitarios, educativos y de equidad en la búsqueda de acciones concretas para abordar el patrón de discriminación institucional y violencia contra las personas negras. La PTA de California se compromete a examinar nuestras propias prácticas y estructuras para trabajar hacia la eliminación de prejuicios implícitos, racismo e inequidades. Hacemos un llamado a nuestros miles de PTA locales en todo California para dar vida a los principios de inclusión, equidad y diversidad. La PTA se esfuerza por crear comunidades que brinden seguridad, oportunidades y un entorno acogedor para todos los niños y sus familias.



California Department of Education (CDE)

Keep up to date with the significant work being done by the CDE around updates to ethnic studies:




As of 11/4/24